We’re nearing the completion of the renovation of our guest bathroom, one of the many distractions that’s kept me away from regular blogging here.
I’ve been quiet for too long.
It’s been a busy year. I’ve been consumed by our new home, 67 Grandview Drive in Mount Kisco, and by writing a centennial book for Mrs. F’s family business.
With Labor Day passed and the book put to bed, it’s time to blog again. I will confess that I don’t honestly know if I’ll ever be able to keep up with my 2008-2009 pace here. I’ve tried to mimic that sprint on North Toward Home, my Tumblr, but I don’t think it’s comparable as I don’t do much writing there.
Still, there’s lots to discuss. We’re just completing a renovation of the guest bathroom and will be rebuilding our crumbling excuse for a driveway in the next month or so. We’re still drinking, so the cocktail reports will return. I’m still concerned with art, style, literature, ocean liners, “Mad Men,” matchbook, the 1960s and other leisurely pursuits. Reynolds will probably be firing weapons soon, so we’ll have reports about that. I might be able to cajole other contributors like the Brothers Briganti, Leifer and Maxie to take a turn from time to time, too.
And there will always be jazz videos, though YouTube’s embedding codes no longer seem to work in the player queue. I’ll figure something out. In the meantime, I hope Sarge Shriver has kept you good company.